I actually made it to work every day this week. This is the first time in a long time - can't say it makes me happy or overjoyed as the confusion and memory problems I have while there are infuriating. God, I cannot wait to go to the Neurologist on the 14th to see if this is all medicine induced, depression or something physically wrong with me.
Henry is better!!!! The prescription food to bind him up worked and we've got formation now. Who ever thought I'd so concerned about my dogs poop. Not me, that's for sure. My son said wow mom, were you like that with me - and I said yep, every single time. Guess Henry really is like my child now. NV said her dog has had it 3 times - I am going to pray that isn't so with Henry. That was enough to stress me out for a long, long time.
Have been doing a little crafting here in SD - my living room is officially done!! Yippee. My bedroom just needs to get some adjustments and then I'll be working on the picture/collage that I'm making for over my bed and I'll be done with that also. I spray painted a wicker chair today = what a pain in the butt. I'd much rather spray paint anything else I think. Took almost 3 cans to cover a white chair with gloss leather brown color. Looks great with the cushion and pillow I made though. Love the fabric glue - wish I had stock in it.
I live in a small town in SD and today was college move in day - so here came 12,000+ kids, trailers, parents, etc to unload for the next 9 months. Wal-Mart was an absolute freaking zoo today. Shelves were cleared off in like minutes - it really is weird to see. Glad I needed spray paint and that was it. In. Out. Home.
I did talk to two of my favorite people today - Keenie and my aunt Penny. It's Penny's birthday and Keenie calls me daily to be sure I've not completely lost my sanity. Do not know what I would have done without these amazing women in my life. They just love me with no judgment whatsoever - and that is a rare thing.
Til next time...
Park City Utah
2 years ago
Glad to hear that Henry is better and that you made a whole week! Now to get YOU feeling better ...